Tag Archives: #commission

Hotel Esencia, Best Wedding Gift Ever

A Bride From Utah and a groom from Florida decided to tie the knot in Tulum Mexico at the exotic Hotel Esencia. When family members found out that several of the bride’s friends got together and purchased a painting from me, the bride’s Mother and Sister were inspired to commission a painting of the elegant ceremony site as their gift to the newlyweds. The bride has several of my paintings in her collection so they knew she would be absolutely thrilled to have her special day celebrated in this way..

I love the moment before the wedding. In this painting the Groom’s Mother and the Mother of the Bride seem to be sorting out last minute details as the the local priest, in his crisp white robes observes . It was a challenge to paint the dozens of flickering candlelights lining the pathway, but it really does give the viewer a sense that something is going to take place. I wondered about just having the priest and not the two women, but then it would be a religious painting, placing the focus on him and not this important moment in time. I like the three figures, all symbolic surrounded by vines of bougainvillea organically climbing around them, the tropical palms framing the space, enclosing it with their lacy green leaves…..Love to hear what you think. Be sure to add your comments below. Until next time, Be well and thanks for reading,


If you are interested in finding out more about Hotel Esencia, here is the website: https://hotelesencia.com