31 Mobile Homes: Commission

I was contacted by Parkland Ventures, Manufactured Housing Communities to create 31 paintings to commemorate their 10th business anniversary. At first I thought to myself, 2 weeks to make 31 paintings…totally possible. Yikes!!

Staying up until 2am or 3am to finish projects at RISD is very familiar and I since I had been through it before…I was prepared to do it again. In order to stay on course, I made 3 paintings a day, that is after my side hustle as a floral designer.

Week 1: 15 completed Monday-Friday. Went to Silicon Valley for the weekend.  Got inspired at the Filoli Gardens and had a great time with a dear friend and her family.

Week 2: Monday afternoon I produced 3 more paintings and kept the pace throughout the week. Saturday -Sunday I picked up each painting and looked at them and asked “Do I like you? Are you inspiring? This was the internal dialogue I had with each piece of art until I got through adjusting all 31 paintings.

Just when I thought I could take a break, my friend saw the project and asked me to paint her trailer….and the following week, the view from her home in Malibu. (See below)

As I look at these paintings, I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment and self-worth. It fills me with so much happiness to make art every day.  Having the opportunity to inspire people through my art is complete bliss.

Thanks for stopping by!







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